Ontario Iris Society
Serving the Province of Ontario, Canada

2024 Calendar
Contact Terry Laurin for up-to-date details of our 2024 events.
Everyone is welcome to attend our events.
May 22, 2024 - Aurora Garden and Horticultural Society - 7:30 pm
Terry and Kate will give a presentation on 'Four Months of Iris Bloom...and Beyond'.
Location: Aurora Legion, 105 Industrial Parkway North, Aurora, ON.
June 2, 2024 - ONIS Annual Iris Show and Sale
Location: Toronto Botanical Garden, 777 Lawrence Ave. E., Toronto, ON
Details and show schedule will be posted here in May.
July, 2024 - On-line Iris Rhizome Sale 
Open to Canadian residents only. T
he list of rhizomes available will be available in early July.
Check out our website under the Auctions and Sales tab.
August 11, 2024 - Annual Iris Rhizome Auction and Sale
Location: Toronto Botanical Garden, 777 Lawrence Ave. E., Toronto, ON.
Details to be announced.


October/November 2024  - ONIS Annual Meeting - To be determined


Join us on FACEBOOK!




President: Terry Laurin


Vice President: Jinny Missons


Secretary: Kate Brewitt


Treasurer: Lyn Hickey



Membership is $10.
a quarterly newsletter,
discounts at plant sales,
and more.


ONIS Newsletter


Spring 2024

Winter 2024


Winter 2023

Spring 2023

Summer 2023

Autumn 2023