Region 2 presents four major awards to the exhibits and exhibitors in AIS sanctioned Flower Shows held by the affiliates
in our Region. An additional award is given to a person who has performed distinguished service for the Region and/or the American
Iris Society. The history of each gives validation to the awards and to the recipients.
The guidelines for receiving each award are
almost a history in themselves. Most of the awards were created when Region 2 and the Empire State Iris Society were synonymous
(The Empire State Iris Society (ESIS) was the forerunner of the current AIS Region 2 Affiliate structure.) The ESIS Board of
Directors turned over these awards to the current AIS Region 2. The organizational change hasn’t changed the importance of the
awards or of the people who are remembered through the awarding.
The awards currently presented are:
The Ethel Anson S. Peckham Award for Historic Iris
The Wirz-Rettig Award for Japanese Iris
Click on the award name to go to a brief history of the award and the recipients.
If any information given needs further clarification, please contact the Region 2 Webmaster.